If you utilize the video advertising option in AdWords, pay attention because changes are coming your way. Google announced recently that starting April 15, new video campaigns will have an unfamiliar look and format. In addition, once May 15 rolls around, all video campaigns will be upgraded to the new look.
So what can you expect as far as the changes go?
- Advertisers can now use the same ad format (in-display) to run across YouTube’s Search Network and Videos Network
- The only thing different is where your ads show.
- You can tell AdWords where you want your ad to run by selecting a network for your campaign.
- You can now organize video viewing around how a user interacts with the ad.
- Now choose where ads appear at the campaign level.
- You’re able to deliver more relevant ads on the YouTube search page.
Rest assured some things will not be changing.
- Your bids, budget, and historical performance data will not change when you’re upgraded.
- You will not lose the ability to run ads on the YouTube Search Network.
- You won’t lose any ads or targeting criteria associated with your existing campaigns.
Be on the lookout in April to upgrade some or all of your campaigns.