What is a citation
If you are looking to optimize your website for local search engines, this process is called local SEO. And one of the methods of improving your local SEO method is to make sure you improve your citation as much as possible.
If you are looking to optimize your website for local search engines, this process is called local SEO. And one of the methods of improving your local SEO method is to make sure you improve your citation as much as possible.
As indicated in our earlier post long tail keyword SEO strategy, businesses can take advantage of long tail keywords opportunities to increase search traffic much easier than if they were to target highly competitive keywords.
When it comes to SEO and search marketing, everyone wants champion the major keywords and rank for them. Although that is not impossible, it is rather difficult especially for new or small businesses that are in very competitive fields. That’s why businesses should start focusing
One of NDMR services is Yellow Pages Advertising that works very successfully for all businesses. But in addition to that, many of our clients are also interested in our effect Internet Marketing services and our online local internet marketing campaigns because more potential clients are
1. Majestic SEO – Majestic-SEO provides Competitive Link Intelligence to link building specialists. They believe they are the planet’s most comprehensive backlinks provider, and offer a number of tools to allow access to this valuable information. In addition to their free services, they allow registered
original link: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/answering-hard-seo-questions-whiteboard-friday
1. How much does SEO cost? How much does a car cost, or a house? First we need to know what kind of car or house you need then we can try to assess the price. Otherwise we can just say somewhere in between 1k
Several of us have been involved in a lot of discussion about why the same search produces different results between Google Maps and Google.com.
Position Your Company for the Economic Upturn at PHCC’s CONNECT 2009, We know we will !! See you there. Learn how to confidently position your company for an economic upturn at the Oct. 21-23 PHCC convention—CONNECT 2009 in New Orleans. You’ll hear about the hottest
New Dimension Marketing & Research will be attending the annual American Association for Justice Convention in San Francisco from July 25th-28th. The convention will be held at the Hilton Hotel Exhibit Hall, 333 O’Farrell St., SF 94102. Times: Sat, July 25th- 9AM to 6PM, Sun,